ASBH Race Affinity Group
February 20 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm UTC+0
The winter quarter RACE Affinity meeting will be in collaboration with Black & Brown in Bioethics. Kumeri, Harleen and Matimba will be sharing BBB’s history and work. Daphne Martschenko and Donald Carter will lead the meeting and chair American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Race & Culture/Ethnicity Affinity group. This group engages in honest discourse about issues related to socially assigned race, and culture and ethnicity in the context of bioethics and determinants that drive ongoing inequities in education and health status. We hope that this will be the beginning of a sustained conversation between our two groups.
Before this meeting we’ll be coming to the BBB network to collect questions you might have for the folks at the RACE Affinity meeting as well as gathering their questions for us. This initial meeting will be for RACE Affinity meeting members and BBB core team members. We aim to have future collaborations with the group open to everyone.